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  4. Our review

Some ground rules.

These are set and enforced by the religion.masto.host moderators.

  1. No proselytising.
  2. No racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, able-ism, etc.
  3. No serious dishonesty that is hurtful to others (e.g. falsely representing oneself as a member of a minority; services offering to write academic papers to help students cheat; vaccine denialism; predatory conferences or journals; overt pseudoscience such as flat-earther-ism etc.)
  4. No spam
  5. No impersonating other people
  6. No harassment of any kind. This includes heckling, sea-lioning, and continuing to push a "robust debate" past the point that the other party has indicated that they are done.
  7. No bots, and no group accounts; institutional accounts are subject to moderator discretion and must be operated by a single named individual.
  8. No automated cross-posters from Twitter, RSS, etc. on Public privacy setting
  9. No un-described images or video on Public privacy setting
  10. No advertisements or apologia for cryptocurrencies, NFT's, or multi-level marketing schemes
  11. No shortened links, e.g. bit.ly, t.ly, goo.gl, ift.tt, lnkd.in, is.gd or t.co (These are malicious because link-shorteners track users without their consent and obscure the destination address, which also prevents users from being able to decide whether they want to visit the link beforehand)